Basic Tools | Web 2.0 Tools | Tech Tools
Calendars, Calculators and Clocks
Don't forget that many devices, such as computers and mobile phones, have calendars and calculators. These can be a good way to introduce technology to young students learning how to tell time and count.
Microsoft Paint or Open Office Draw
Found in the list of Accessories programs on all Windows computers, this program is an easy tool for beginners to learn while at the same time being useful and a lot of fun. Teachers and students can draw freely, add shapes and colors as well as add images and text. Paint could be particularly helpful for early school children learn colors, shapes and simple math.
Microsoft Word or Open Office Writer
Aside from helping students to receive practice typing in a word processor this can be a great teaching tool, particularly when it comes to demonstrating to advanced students how to improve writing and edit text. Teachers can use a projector to show examples of student writing (without the name). Using real life examples is a way for the class to see how to improve their writing. The teacher (and students) can come up to the computer to make changes. For more advanced users, the comment tool and track changes can help students learn how to collaborate on one document, such as a letter the group plans to send to a community leader.
Microsoft PowerPoint or Open Office Impress
This tool can be used not only by teachers to enhance classroom presentations and slideshows, but by students. It is an engaging and simple tool for students to learn with very little support. There are numerous group activities students could work on such as a book report, photo story or comic book. Teachers who are experienced computer users might also find themselves creating their lessons with interactive quizzes or their own flash cards, and games.
Microsoft Excel or Open Office Calc and Math
Not only can these be used in math classes but in classes where students will use graphs to display information. Teachers can work with students as they gather data and show the results to the class. Another use for spreadsheets is with simple student mini-projects involving gathering and entering data. See average family size activity or adding column of numbers for a budget.
Microsoft Mouse Mischief
This add on integrates into Microsoft PowerPoint 2010 and 2007, letting you insert questions, polls, and drawing activity slides into your lessons. Students can actively participate in these lessons by using their own mice to click, circle, cross out, or draw answers on the screen. Additional hardware is required. Read more or get installation package.
Microsoft PhotoStory 3
Create slideshows using your digital photos. With a single click, you can touch-up, crop, or rotate pictures. Add special effects, soundtracks, and your own voice narration to your photo stories. Then, personalize them with titles and captions.
Get installation package.
Microsoft Photoviewer
Unlike Photo Story 3 this feature, which comes with Windows, allows teachers to easily create a photo slideshow. See video.
What is Web 2.0?
In the early days of the Web, only professionals, such as web designers, had the ability to create web content and users were only ability to read. With the development of new online tools, users can create content. Web 2.0 describes the second generation of websites where users can now not only read, but write, publish and respond to information. For basic information on various Web 2.0 tools, view YouTube videos.
10 Special Sites
- YouTube - must use video viewing and sharing site
- Voicethread - collaborative presentations, commenting with phone, text, video
- Linoit - stickie notes online, has mobile app
- (Edu)Glogster - build multimedia posters online
- - collaborative brainstorming and mindmapping tool
- Polldaddy - online polls for class activities or assessing learning
- Screenr - tool for capturing any action on your computer screen on or offline
- Voki - talking animated character
- Posterous - Public and private sharing space
- PBWorks - multi-purpose: part wiki, part blog, part website and file storage space
Here is a list of the Top 100 Tools for Education. And of course don't forget all the google tools.
Blogs - online journal or WeB-log
Group forums
Instant Messaging
Slideshow Creators
Social Networking - communicate with members of the site by posting messages, photographs, etc.
Website builders
Wikis - collaborative writing tools
Free Screen Capture Software
This is a very useful tool for creating short videos demonstrating steps one needs to take to on your computer. Get installation package.
This is a free offline image editing application. Get installation package.
Tech Support Documents

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